National Provider Identification # 1831178094
Diplomate in Clinical Molecular Genetics first granted in 1996 by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics
Recertified 2002 and 2012 until 2022 with Current Certificate # 96059
Participating in Maintenance of Certification
New York State Certificate of Qualification in Genetic Testing (Limited to DNA), GOLDA1, 2015 – present
New York State CQ in Oncology – Cellular and Molecular Tumor Markers, GOLDA1, 2015 – present.
MB(ASCP)CM Certificate # 3427 granted November 2015
California Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist # DRN-02005117 through 1/17/2020
California Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist License # MTP01002523 through 2/10/2020
State of Florida, Department of Health, Molecular Pathology Director, DI 50203 through 8/31/2020
Member, Association for Molecular Pathology
Fellow, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics
Member, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute
Member, American Counseling Association
Member, American Psychological Association